Charge yourself with power for new victories!

Black Leaf tea with Chaga

Black Leaf tea with Chaga

Black Leaf Tea with Rhodiola Rosea root

 - 100% natural ingredients

- flavouring agents and taste enhancers FREE

Altai nature is unique: it amazes with its variety and richness. Several natural zones from steppe to Alpine are harmonically combined here. There are a lot of rivers and lakes that astound with their purity in the mountain areas of Altai. This all gives wonderful properties to local plants and incredible power to teas created on their base. Altai is the place of power! Charge yourself with power of Altai for new victories!


TianDe produces a whole collection of 100% natural teas made out of wild plants collected in Altai Mountains. Each drink is unique in its own way, and each has its own direction.


There are more than 2,000 species of plants that grow in Altai. Most of them are medicinal, and about 150 species are listed in the Red Book. Many of the nature’s gifts serve as bases for tea. Some of them are time-proven and very popular today. Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) and chaga are plants that got their glory centuries ago. They became the part of the TianDe assortment and were included in the composition of drinks of Dr. Taiga series.


Staying faithful to our traditions, we produce loose-leaf black tea with roseroot and black tea with Chaga in Altai without any flavourings and taste enhancers, 100% natural.


Having a pleasant taste and rich aroma, these drinks will easily replace common tea and provide you with energy, good mood and excellent well-being.

Black Leaf Tea with Rhodiola Rosea root

  • Tones up;

  • helps strengthen immunity;

  • supports the endurance of the body during long tense work.

    Delicious black tea with roseroot is new lifestyle, healthy nutrition and new strength for everyday victories!
Black Leaf Tea with Birch Fungus
Roseroot, or golden root,

Roseroot, or golden root,

was named the “Siberian ginseng” for its health benefits.

The emperor-worthy plant!

The ancient legend says that the one who finds the golden root is going to be lucky and healthy till the end of the days. The Chinese emperors set foot on special expeditions to search for the golden root.

  • For people who have no health problems: it increases the attention concentration, the working capacity, boosts mental and muscular activity.
  • For people suffering from chronic fatigue - it calms down very well, reduces irritation and improves sleep.
  • For sportspeople - it is an adaptogenic product.


improves immunity and serves as preventive treatment of cold-related illnesses improves visual, hearing acuity and memory

A precious plant, which is roseroot, or golden root, is included in the composition of the tea.

The healthy properties of the roseroot resemble those of ginseng; therefore, it is often called the Siberian ginseng.

This plant was known 2,000 years ago. It was often used to cure various diseases. It was considered that after taking the golden root the human body rejuvenated, was fulfilled with life energy and could stand up against diseases; its endurance increased.

The value and healthy properties of roseroot have been approved scientifically. It is rightfully considered to be the unique elixir of health and bio-stimulator. Its special healthiness is in its special composition.

The ancient Altai belief states that the one who finds the golden root is going to be lucky and healthy till their dying day. The Chinese emperors set special expeditions on foot to search for the golden root. This plant, as the greatest value, was secretly transferred across the borders. The indigenous population of Altai was very secretive about the places where the golden root grew. The ways of consuming it were surrounded by mystery which was transferred from father to son.

Legends were created regarding the golden root. One of them states that after the creation of the world, having populated the whole Earth with various animals and plants, the gods got disheartened because many mountain areas stayed empty, as practically everyone preferred warmer places. Only one plant decided to stay. It was the golden root. In order for the plant not to stay alone and for its decision, the gods granted powerful properties to it. Since then sick animals and humans went high to the mountains to find this root and recover.

There is another very interesting legend. A long time ago a shaman healer who kept secluded live and was deep in the world of herbs and potions lived in a ravine. In his dreams he communicated with nature and he knew all about plants, because the nature itself told him about them. People often came to the shaman to solve their problems, and he never refused to help anyone, curing them. When he became old, the shaman started to seek replacement for himself in order to transfer his knowledge. Such young man was found, and the shaman began teaching him. After he transferred all his knowledge, he decided to tell him about the last and the most important plant. He dreamed about it once: a butterfly led him along the mountain path and sat on a flower. After waking up the shaman understood that it was a sign. He went along the way that he memorized and found that plant. Having touched it, the shaman felt an unusual sure of energy, his body got enveloped in the freshness of a mountain river, and his consciousness completely calmed down. Having carefully dug the plant out, the shaman saw the roots resembling a brush. He also noticed that the water became colored while washing the plant. This was the golden root! Having brought it home, he communicated with the plant for a long time, studied it and eventually understood that it was a true treasure. Since then, diseases that he could not heal before succumbed to him. The plant appeared truly marvelous in the hands of the shaman!

Today this plant is used by shepherds and hunters of Altai to restore strength and energy during long hard walks. The golden root gets rid of fatigue, returns mental clarity and improves tone.

It was studied and proved that roseroot has a whole complex of healthy properties:

  • improves working capacity, attention and memory;
  • makes hard physical workload easier;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • increases vision and hearing acuity;
  • is a powerful immunomodifier;
  • tones up, calms down and normalizes sleep;
  • provides complex stimulating impact on the body.

Among other things, roseroot is one of the most powerful natural adaptogenes along with such plants as eleuterococcus, ginseng and St.-John’s-wort. Taking the golden root increases the resistance of the body to the stress caused by negative environmental factors.

Its healthiness for sportsmen can be marked separately. People who do swimming, bodybuilding, track-and-field activities and other types of sports with high workload are recommended to take roseroot as an adaptogenic phytoagent. Under the influence of intense physical workloads metabolic processes in the brain are disturbed. This leads to activation of anaerobic processes with reduction of brain energy. The results of these processes are fatigue, weakness and increased tiredness. The golden root normalizes metabolic processes in the brain and improves resistance to stress factors.

So, roseroot is one of the most powerful adaptogenes of nature. It is famous for its marvelous toning properties, supports strong immunity and endurance of the body during long tense work, including with large information streams.

Start your day with a cup of fragrant tea, kind thoughts and a happy smile. Delicious black tea with roseroot is new lifestyle, healthy nutrition and new strength for everyday victories

Black leaf tea with Chaga

  • Provides general strengthening effect;
  • optimizes the work of gastrointestinal tract, which is especially important in case of absence of correct dietary regimen.

    Delicious black tea with unique birch mushroom will help you support your health and activity!
 Black Leaf Tea with Rose Root Stonecrop

Chaga, or Birch mushroom,
is popularly called the “mushroom of immortality”

The Japanese call it the “diamond of the forest” and the Chinese call it the “king of plants”.

According to folk beliefs,
it helps to overcome 100 ailments!
Growing from a small spore to a huge size, the body of the fungus is saturated with useful substances thanks to birch sap and various components present in the tree.

  • It is a powerful biogenic stimulator and antioxidant
  • It improves metabolic processes and normalizes the activity of gastrointestinal tract
  • It increases the immune potential of the body, showing antiviral properties
  • It supports the adaptation of the body to stress and fatigue
  • It saturates the body with vitamins, macro- and microelements
  • It improves the skin, nail and hair condition

Tannins and organic acids of the mushroom increase general tone and restore psycho-emotional balance.

Chaga is a marvelous creation of nature!

Actually it is parasitic fungus that grows on birches. This is why it is also called the “birch fungus’.

The appearance of this plant does not match the ideas of what mushrooms should look like. It looks more like burnt wood or a piece of coal. Among the Siberians, chaga is known as the “gift of God” or the “mushroom of immortality”. Japanese call it the “diamond of the forest”, and the Chinese treat it as the “king of plants”.

Growing to monumental proportions from a tiny spore, the body of the fungus absorbs healthy substances due to birch water and various components present in the tree.

Active components and microelements, like potassium, zinc, iron, polysaccharides, etc., participate in all working processes of human organs.

If there is a lack of even one of them in a body, a problem appears.

Chaga was used to fight against various diseases since ancient times. It has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.

The substances included into its composition are real natural biogenic stimulators. Due to organic acids the unique fungus provides therapeutic influence, regulates and normalizes the proportion of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the body.

What are other healthy properties of chaga?

The fungus is very valuable as healthy raw material: it fills the tea with vitamins, macro- and microelements, which supports immunity strengthening.

The fungal fruit contains ethane diacid, formic acid and acetic acid, polysaccharides, food fibers and resins that normalize metabolism.

Chaga contains iron, magnesium, manganese and potassium. The restoring processes in the tissues take place due to its general strengthening and toning properties. The “mushroom of immortality” has very high level of antioxidants.

Where did all this knowledge come from?
Chaga as a medicinal agent is 4,600 years old. The chronicles contain bright examples of chaga brews being used for human rehabilitation, as well as for increase of strength and mental energy of the warriors.

The scientists thoroughly examined this plant and continue finding more and more new marvelous properties of it. Medical examinations were performed on all continents.
For instance, the Japanese specialists discovered high immunomodulatory and antiviral properties of birch fungus.

All substances that chaga contains are natural biogenic stimulator helping human body to resist negative impact of the environment, from cold to stress.

Delicious black tea with unique chaga will help you support your health and activity!

Boost of energy and optimism

Dr.Taiga teas:
Subtle tea-party: slimness in each cup!

Boost of energy and optimism without the risks for your figure!

Roseroot and Chaga are excellent helpers during weight loss!

Due to what?

  • They speed up metabolism and improve it;
  • fat is transformed into energy.
  • They are natural adaptogens: eliminate the unstable emotional state that causes overeating.

The drinks containing the golden root and chaga are healthy for those who keep fit. The unique properties and composition of the plants help you endure all difficulties caused by low-calorie diets and nutrition limitations, staying in a good mood at the same time. Being natural adaptogens and biostimulators, they improve the general tone and restore psycho-emotional balance.

Many people prefer comfort eating a bar of chocolate, seeking relief in a pack of ice cream and getting rid of tension with a bowl of popcorn. Or you can brew Dr. Taiga tea and get a charge of energy and optimism without any risk for your figure.

Besides, these plants restore metabolism and improve it. It means that everything that used to transform into fat is going to turn into energy.

 speed up metabolism and improve it

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