More than 90% of natural components

The nature itself protects you!

Women’s health is a fragile flower that requires special attention and gentle care. It’s not a secret that women carry the responsibility not only for themselves, but for the health of the next generation as well. If the woman is healthy, the child will more probably inherit the immunity to viruses and genetically transmitted diseases.

In the past in China, for instance, when choosing brides, men were first of all interested in health of their future spouses. It was the main criterion, and the girl’s beauty was the second thing to be assessed. Therefore, the parents preserved the girl’s health since her childhood, often using the healing power of herbs. The healers of the Middle Kingdom believed that extracts contain the souls of herbs and their magic powers, because during the millennia the representatives of flora developed a remarkable ability to synthesize such efficient antibiotics that even constantly mutating bacteria and viruses, to which some modern medications are not a serious encumbrance, cannot adapt to them.

With what does the correct care for women’s health begin?
With personal hygiene!

The V area, or the intimate area, is considered to be the most delicate part of woman’s body. It has its own microflora, where lactobacillus plays a major role. They produce lactic acid which supports the natural pH level and is the natural protective barrier. Healthy microflora with normal pH level absolutely does not fit for malignant bacteria.

The microflora can be easily disturbed by neglecting the correct care for the delicate zone or using aggressive cleansing products (of course there are many more reasons of microflora disturbance; these are the most widespread ones). Therefore, it is very important to use special delicate area care products.

A whole program for preservation and support of women’s health is developed at the beauty and health corporation. The line of efficient products for the fair half of humanity was supplied with the intimate hygiene herbal extract gel of the new EcoDeViva collection!

The product was produced in Altai, which is one of the most beautiful and environmentally pristine regions of the planet. The gel includes the plants having a good effect on women’s health.

Why not soap?

  • SOAP
    contain alkali that disturbs the natural environment;
  • cause dryness and irritation;
  • weaken local immunity due to alkalization of microflora and appearance of pathogenic germs in it.
  • Delicate Gel
    preserves and maintains natural microflora;
  • gently cleanses, does not cause itching and irritation;
  • strengthens local immunity;
  • contains active components which have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.

Taking care of the intimate area requires using special products!

They act delicately without causing the shift of acid-alkaline balance, do not dry or irritate the mucosa of genitalia.

One of the reasons of microflora disturbance and its alkalization is the alkaline foam during the hygienic procedures using beauty soap or shower gel.

In case of disturbance of acid-alkaline balance acid medium changes for alkaline, and the amount of lactobacillus significantly reduces. They are replaced with other bacteria, including malignant. This condition is called dysbacteriosis.
Dysbacteriosis in the delicate area may be asymptomatic in some cases, but in most cases women become bothered with itch, burning sensations and vaginal discharge with unpleasant smell. Sooner or later dysbacteriosis may lead to inflammatory process or chronic diseases.

To avoid the microflora disturbance and preserve your women’s health, use the herbal extract gel to take care of the intimate zone.

It contains the efficient complex improving local immunity and supporting the balance of the intimate zone and the natural protective barrier; it also has moisturizing components for maximum comfort.

Carefully selected composition based on “women’s” herbs!

  • Natural mint and Altai red brush infusion has a good effect on women’s health and improves local immunity;
  • the extracts of licorice, calamus, chamomile, nettle, sage and oak buds soothe and increase natural protection of the skin in the intimate area;
  • lactic acid supports the natural microflora of the intimate area;
  • 4 types of moisturizers, including sodium hyaluronate, for increased comfort.

The nature is beautiful and many-sided. It inspired people to creating the most wonderful works in the area of film-making, music and painting and goes on doing so. The beauty and health corporation was inspired to create the new herbal extract delicate care gel by nature as well. The company’s specialists selected the most usable plants which become even more efficient when working as a complex.

The base of the product is the tincture of red brush and peppermint.

Red brush (or rhodiola quadrifida) is a true gift for women from nature. This plant is considered to be the Altai endemic which grows only in high mountain regions of Altai and not anywhere else in the world. Currently red brush is one of the best immune and adaptogenic products restoring the weakened body systems. In traditional medicine of Altai this plant is used during mass diseases. Red brush has prominent blood-stopping and soft restorative effect and contains phytoestrogens.

Peppermint is first of all a powerful antioxidant which has antibacterial, spasmolytic and analgetic effects.

The composition is supported with extracts of efficient herbs.

Wild chamomile. Chamomile has a whole set of useful effects. It has anti-inflammatory, analgetic and anti-allergic effects. The plant has a good effect on the body in case of increased affectability, neuralgic pains and periodical pains that women have.

Stinging nettle is a specific natural vitamin concentrate. The content of ascorbic acid in nettle is more than in black currant berries or lemon. Nettle is ahead of carrots and dock in terms of carotene content. Only 20 small leaves of nettle will support the body with a daily norm of vitamin A. Besides, it is rich in vitamins K, E and B and microelements. Nettle speeds up the metabolism, supports the bleeding control, tones up the nervous system, helps support the red blood cell production and increase the muscle tone of uterus.

Licorice root. Licorice supports the strengthening of nervous and immune system and provides toning effect. Licorice has spasmolytic, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, as well as estrogene-like effect.

Oak buds have anti-inflammatory and binding effects.

The extract of garden sage has disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic effects and removes the hyperemia of mucosae and skin.

Calamus root. Calamus has been used to treat women’s diseases (like hypomenstrual syndrome, weakening of genital sensitivity and pathological course of climax) since the ancient times and was famous for its analgetic and disinfecting effects.

Lactic acid is included in the gel composition for restoring and supporting the microflora. This is an important component providing soft antiseptic effect. Combined with the herbal extracts soothing the mucosa and providing antibacterial effect, in ensures complex protection of the delicate area.

For even better comfort 4 types of moisturizers are included in the formula as well. Sodium hyaluronate, which is a derivative of hyaluronic acid, deserves special attention. It creates a thin protective film, which does not allow the moisture to evaporate, over the skin.

More than intimate care gel

  • It ensures gentle cleansing;
  • improves local immunity;
  • maintains natural pH balance of the intimate area;
  • increases the natural protection of tender skin;
  • refreshes and moisturizes;
  • removes discomfort after epilation;
  • active components in the composition have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.

The gentle formula of the gel with herbal and moisturizing ingredients is perfect for taking care of the most sensitive skin.

Active components of the gel help improve local immunity, supporting the natural protective barrier and pH balance of the intimate area.

Due to its balanced composition it soothes the tender skin and ensures the feeling of comfort every day.

The gel refreshes and moisturizes the skin and also removes discomfort after epilation.

Use high-quality products and stay healthy!

Gentle care and reliable women’s health protection!

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