Women often eat their anxiety and ‘emotional rollercoaster’.
Normal content of protein in the diet reduces appetite and sweet cravings.
We have already stated that women need protein shake during the period of natural alteration of their bodies. Let us make it clear which period it is.
What is PMS?
PMS is the premenstrual syndrome. It does not happen to all women; more exactly, PMS does not cause specific discomfort to some women and goes by unnoticed.
This is a complex of regular symptoms of disruptions of physical and psychoemotional condition appearing some days before the menstruation.
It takes place differently to everyone, but there are common features.
One of the basic features is the condition that is so uncomfortable and emotionally unstable that women try to find balance and, as a result, buy a lot of unnecessary things or constantly eat something. Sometimes both. Due to this, a short-term feeling of balance and calmness appears. In psychology, this phenomenon is also called closing your hole. The matter is that women literally live a living hell. The opinion that women are driven by hormones is correct, but only partially. If you know what hormones ‘want’ from you, you can stay one step ahead.
During the first phase of the menstrual cycle estrogen is the most important thing. The working capacity is high, the state of health is great and the mood is excellent. During this period, women make a lot of plans, decide to take control over their figures and health, purchase gym memberships, enroll to studies, etc. Generally, they are active and joyful.
During the second phase the progesterone time comes. All systems and organs expect probable impregnation. The higher progesterone level is, the less energy there is. You want to sleep, lie down and lounge. If you think about skipping the gym, most probably, you have the second phase of the cycle. The body guards the women from excess load (who knows – maybe she’s pregnant?). Another bonus of the second phase is edemas. The body saves excess liquid in case that there is a baby. It is easy to gain weight during the second phase of the cycle. Ideally, women are able to gain only 2 kg during this period. One of them is water, and the other is stored fat. Chocolates and buns were kept this way.
Appetite during this time is normal. But you do know what is happening, so you can control the process. Keep a proper diet: reduce the quantity of sweets, baked goods and smoked meat. Increase the consumption of protein! This is really important, and not only for the figure. Simple carbohydrates increase sleepiness, and you have fatigue. Refined fats increase the painfulness of the menstruation. And complex carbohydrates will give you energy, high-quality proteins will support all body processes and lean fats containing omega-3 fatty acids will provide anti-inflammatory and analgetic effects. You should not give up water! The body always needs it, but you should not consume products keeping water in your body, like oversalted and spicy food, alcohol and coffee.
Let us return to the hormones. The levels of estrogen and progesterone at first increase and then, right before the menstruation, rapidly fall, and this may cause anxiety, irritability and mood changes, because they modulate activity in the zones of the brain that are connected to PMS symptoms. The level of endorphins (joy hormones) significantly lowers, and the brain hints you to buy something (those may be the shoes that are 2 sizes smaller than needed – don’t care) or, even better, to eat! Those should be simple carbohydrates, something fried or a cake! A CAKE! Now that is much better!
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