Women-only problem

Cellulite is a local increase in fat cells and impaired microcirculation in adipose tissue. Enlarged cells cease to secrete their waste products, but accumulate fat with a vengeance and absorb fluids, toxins and other unnecessary elements. The result is that the cells "swell" and become visible by the naked eye.

Many women are at a loss: why men do not have cellulite (or it occurs extremely rarely), and for 85% of women it is a ‘secondary sexual character’ (and for the remaining 15% it is in the developmental stage, when it is not yet evident)?! The appearance of cellulite in women is caused by several main reasons.

These are:

  • intoxication of the body. Many toxins are fat-soluble, and the fat cell is their depot. When the detoxification organs cannot cope with the elimination of toxins, they ‘settle’ and gradually accumulate in the fat cell, ‘swelling’ it;
  • features of the female body and the effect on it of female sex hormones - estrogens. As a rule, any change in hormonal levels (puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, taking birth control pills, the onset of menopause) leads to the development of cellulite;
  • structural features of adipose tissue (nature ‘programmed’ female fat cells by default to accumulate fat in themselves in case of gestation in conditions of ‘hunger’).

The cellulite is also influenced by a sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet, bad habits, tight clothes, stress, a sharp fluctuation in weight (after a quick weight loss, a woman's cellulite will simply become more noticeable) and much more. Also, one cannot but take into account the predisposition factor: cellulite can be ‘inherited’ by a daughter from her mother.

Each woman has a different rate of cellulite: for some, it appears at the age of 20, for others after childbirth, someone notes a pronounced ‘orange peel’ on the skin only after 40 years or during the menopause, and there are lucky women whose cellulite is hardly noticeable throughout their lives!

Do not forget that being overweight is not an indicator of cellulite!
Slender, young girls, models, athletes and dancers can also have orange peel, while the thighs, buttocks and belly of women who are prone to plumpness can remain firm and smooth!

No matter how scary the numbers and the percentage of women with cellulite sound, you can get rid of the hated bumps of fat and reduce the appearance of the ‘orange peel’!

Operation: сlean up your cells!

Anti-cellulite lipolytic gel - alternative to thermal treatments, including for problems with blood vessels.

  • Putting fat cells on a coffee diet (Congolese coffee, green tea, guarana, cola nut - natural sources of caffeine)
  • Sulfur is an irreplaceable ‘puzzle’ in the structure of collagen and conductor of active ingredients
  • Fight fire with fire: citrus essential oils against ‘citrus peel’ - (lemon and orange, the aroma of which will additionally relax and calm down)
  • Menthol – ‘freezes’ fat, accelerates blood supply and cheers up

‘Cold weapon’ from Tiande - anti-cellulite gel-lipolytic SPA technology with a cryo-effect will help ‘cleanse’ the cells from the hated fatty deposits.

A pleasant chill runs through the body due to menthol in the composition of the product. When applied to problem areas, the tissues are cooled, as a result, the body begins to additionally break down fats to keep warm. At the same time, your blood supply improves, metabolic processes are accelerated, a powerful release of endorphins (hormones of joy and good mood) occurs.

The gel with a cooling effect is a real salvation for those who cannot use its ‘burning fellows’ due to contraindications or who experience real torture from ‘burning’ skin.

The top in the composition of the gel is rightfully occupied by a unique combination of natural ingredients - a mix of four richest natural sources of caffeine: extracts of Congolese coffee, green tea, guarana and cola nut.
The world leader in terms of coffee production is Brazil, and Brazilian women are the owners of the most beautiful forms in the world. Cellulite appears primarily on the buttocks, but not in Latinos! This is because they not only drink coffee, but also use it for cosmetic purposes.
Caffeine in grains puts fat cells on the diet. It:

  • activates the natural process of lipolysis (breakdown of fats) for further conversion of fat cells into energy → promotes fat burning;
  • enhances blood flow, improves metabolism → eliminates congestion in the subcutaneous fat and removes toxins;
  • has a drainage effect (removes excess fluid from the tissues) → helps to reduce swelling.

The natural caffeine complex, in contrast to the synthetic, has a longer duration of action.

Organic sulfur helps the components of caffeine mix to deeply penetrate and thereby increase its effect. It performs another very important function - it activates the synthesis of the main proteins of the connective tissue, helps to reduce the ‘crosslinks’ in collagen molecules, restore the elasticity of collagen fibers hardened from nutrient deficiency in the subcutaneous tissue and increase skin elasticity. And we all know that the state of the epidermis determines how noticeable the external manifestations of cellulite will be. If the skin is firm and elastic, it will be more difficult for overcrowded cells with fat to ‘push’ it. Skin turgor depends on the state of collagen fibers, which, like springs in a mattress, form a dense frame.

The essential oils of lemon and orange in the composition of the product will help to make the skin smooth, elastic. They have a lipolytic effect and increase metabolism in problem areas. Another important function in the fight against cellulite is aromatherapy. Stress is one of the reasons for the ‘orange peel’. The aroma of citrus and menthol, which will float in the air during the procedure, will have a relaxing and soothing effect.

Cryo-effect: cold weapon in the fight against cellulite!

  • Fight against cellulite and its prevention Improving skin tone, elasticity
  • Excess fluid, toxins and waste removal
  • Relief of heavy legs sensation
  • Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

Cryolipolysis (cryoliposuction, cold lipostructure) is a method of getting rid of fatty deposits and cellulite under the influence of cold. Local cooling of fat folds allows you to naturally, without stress on the body, quickly and effectively lose weight. Unlike skin cells, cells of subcutaneous adipose tissue do not have protective mechanisms against the effects of cold (a certain temperature is constantly maintained inside the body). Their purpose is to store nutrients. If the adipose tissue is significantly cooled, then the cells of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, having experienced stress, will be burned.

SPA technology anti-cellulite lipolytic gel with a cooling effect works on the same principle. Upon cooling, the tissues begin to release heat energy through the breakdown of fat cells. As a result of such a splitting of subcutaneous fat, we obtain the necessary aesthetic effect - reduce in the appearance of cellulite.

A home-made massage with a lipolytic gel can be analogue to a salon cryolipolysis procedure:
1) starts the process of splitting the body fat. Due to local cooling, the body is forced to warm itself due to the accumulated adipose tissue;
2) increases turgor, elasticity and firmness of the skin;
3) improves metabolism, cleanses from toxins, wastes;
4) relieves the feeling of heaviness in the legs;
5) serves as prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy.

Organic sulfur helps the components of caffeine mix to deeply penetrate and thereby increase its effect. It performs another very important function - it activates the synthesis of the main proteins of the connective tissue, helps to reduce the ‘crosslinks’ in collagen molecules, restore the elasticity of collagen fibers hardened from nutrient deficiency in the subcutaneous tissue and increase skin elasticity. And we all know that the state of the epidermis determines how noticeable the external manifestations of cellulite will be. If the skin is firm and elastic, it will be more difficult for overcrowded cells with fat to ‘push’ it. Skin turgor depends on the state of collagen fibers, which, like springs in a mattress, form a dense frame.

The essential oils of lemon and orange in the composition of the product will help to make the skin smooth, elastic. They have a lipolytic effect and increase metabolism in problem areas. Another important function in the fight against cellulite is aromatherapy. Stress is one of the reasons for the ‘orange peel’. The aroma of citrus and menthol, which will float in the air during the procedure, will have a relaxing and soothing effect.

‘Cold shivers’ from cellulite

Anti-cellulite lipolytic gel:

  • effective for all types of cellulite - water, fat, fibrous and mixed;
  • used for hands, abdomen, thighs and buttocks;
  • absorbs quickly without sticky feeling;
  • leaves no marks on clothes;
  • a little goes a long way due to the ‘sliding’ texture.

Anti-cellulite lipolytic gel reduces the severity of the ‘orange peel in problem areas (arms, abdomen, thighs and buttocks), promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue, improves skin texture and tone, evens out the relief, increases elasticity.

Due to its fat burning and drainage properties, the anti-cellulite gel can be used in all stages and all types of cellulite: water, fat, fibrous and mixed.

The product has a very pleasant jelly-like texture. A light and cool, with an invigorating aroma of menthol and citrus fruit, the gel is well absorbed, providing instant penetration of the components into the skin. It is very obedient to use and pleasure to make massage: the product instantly spreads over the surface of the body, without creating a sticky feeling. After using it in the morning, you can immediately get dressed. If applied in the evening, there is no need to be afraid to stain bed linen - the gel leaves no marks, only a light refreshing scent on the body.

Apply anti-cellulite lipolytic gel 1-2 times a day on problem areas of the skin.

Due to the ‘sliding’ texture, we ensure that a little goes a long way.

How its works?

In the image you can see what the skin looks like before fighting cellulite with enlarged fat cells and “normal” skin as a result of complex care.

Collect your ‘anti-cellulite army’

Anti-cellulite lipolytic gel – a product for ‘cold’ wraps

  1. Cleansing the skin from dead skin cells – to improve the effectiveness of further care
  2. Effective anti-cellulite products – to reduce the appearance of cellulite and firm the skin
  3. Massage – to enhance the action of the anti-cellulite product and work out problem areas
  4. Balanced diet
  5. Regular physical activity

We have already discussed that one of the main reasons of cellulite is intoxication of the body. Let's repeat: many toxins are fat-soluble, and the fat cell is their depot. When the detoxification organs are unable to cope with the elimination of toxins, they ‘settle’ and gradually accumulate in the fat cell, ‘swelling’ it. Therefore, if you seriously decide to take care of yourself, your figure and well-being, you need an integrated approach.

The first task is to eliminate the cause from within. Pay attention to the work of the intestines, to the digestion of food. In order to normalize the metabolism and establish all the functions of the body, timely freed from toxins and maintain the correct functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

The second task is to take care of the condition of the skin, improve and strengthen it. If the skin is toned and has a normal moisture level, the ‘honeycomb’ is not visible. As soon as it loses its firmness and elasticity, the ‘swollen’ fat cells begin to bulge outward, ‘pushing’ the dehydrated skin.

In addition to using an anti-cellulite gel, to achieve the most effective result, a few more points should be included in this stage.
The penetration of the active substances of the gel will increase if you first cleanse the skin of dead cells using a spa mitten or body salt, for example, Dead Sea Crystals.

To further enhance the effect of using the product, you can use a massager. Pay attention to the 3D face and body lifting massager.
This versatile gadget works with any part of the body. Rotating rollers, scrolling, capture a layer of skin between them, like the hands of a masseur. Regular workouts with a body massager work out problem areas, promote the breakdown of fatty deposits, prevent the cellulite, tone the skin and help improve body contours.

Do not forget about good nutrition and regular physical activity. This is not only about specialized gyms, you can maintain your shape by regularly performing several effective exercises to get rid of the manifestations of cellulite and keep your abdominal muscles in good shape!
By the way, lipolytic gel can be used as a means for cold wraps. To do this, wrap the areas of the body lubricated with gel with a special film. The duration of the procedure is from 30 minutes to an hour. Unlike hot wraps, cold wraps constrict blood vessels and pores. As a result, the skin tone rises, the metabolism improves. Moreover, the body begins to actively break down fats in order to warm the body. Cold wraps are an excellent alternative to hot ones if you have contraindications in the form of varicose veins and other vascular pathologies.

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