Herbal Patches - Kidneys, Urinary, Prostate Support, Yaoshen Forte, 2 pcs
Men can use this formula to restore self-confidence.
Patch have a positive impact on kidneys and urogenital system.
The package of the Yaoshen Forte patches presents a magnificent waterfall with multiple streams falling down in a valley.
This image perfectly reflects the way the herbal Patch acts.
Active ingredients of the Yaoshen Forte patch have a positive impact on kidneys and urogenital system. Men can use this formula to restore self-confidence. Support prostate function.
Yaoshen Patch formula has become richer and stronger – 19 active ingredients including extracts and oils, that have targeted action. One of the main benefits of a transdermal therapy is that all elements get into the system bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.
Before using the patch wash and clean off the grease from the skin you are going to use it on. Put the Phyto Patch to the points in close proximity to the kidney. In acupuncture, this is the Shenshu point. You can easily find it on your lower back, 3-5 cm to the left and to the right from the spine. Better use the Yaoshen Forte patch before going to bed, remove the patch in 8 hours. Course of use – 10 days.
Men may consider putting an extra patch to the lower dang-tien, four fingers below the navel. According to oriental practices, it is the main energy reservoir in a human body.
- Cimicifuga - Cimicifuga daurica is a perennial herbaceous plant. Its roots take a calming effect on the nervous system and relax intestinal muscles.
- Strychnos - Strychnos potatorum is a plant widely spread in India where its seeds are used to disinfect water. Oil of strychnos potatorum seeds is characterized by germicidal and antimicrobial properties.
- Sweet flag -Sweet flag is famous for its alleged ability to drive away evil forces. Its rootstock was even found in Tutankhamen’s tomb! The roots of sweet flag are characterized by antispasmodic, antimicrobial, and disinfecting properties. Sweet flag has a peculiar pleasant smell.
- Cibotium barometz - Cibotium barometz is a beautiful wood fern the stem of which is covered with soft hairs that gave cibotium its second name – sheep-plant. In the modern medicine dried cibotium roots are used for treatment of kidney diseases. Cibotium normalizes the condition of renal blood flow, and is effective in case of inflammatory diseases of kidneys or urinary tracts.
- Arum - Amur jack-in-the-pulpit (arum) is a perennial plant that has an important medical significance. It takes a painkilling and anticonvulsive effect. It is also characterized by expectorant, disinfecting, antitonic, antianemic, antirheumatic and anticonvulsive properties.
- Colophony - Colophony is a light-yellow, fragile, solid substance that consists of tarry matters. It is often used in folk medicine. It is characterized by anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antiallergic properties. It is a preservative and helps prolong the storage life of cosmetic products.
- Petrolatum - Petrolatum is a mixture of mineral oils and paraffin wax.
- Basil - Essential oil of basil improves the mood and helps to cope with stress. Basil leaves contain vitamin Р, provitamin А, and rutin. Basil essential oil takes a local analgesic effect, relaxes unstriated muscles of the stomach and uterus, and has antibacterial properties.
- Methyl salicylate - Applied locally, methyl salicylate takes an analgesic and locally irritative effect. It causes muscular relaxation and intensifies blood flow, allows you to prolong physical exercises and improves their tolerance.
- Incense - Incense is the substance also known as gum — resin or dried juice of incense trees and bushes. It has an unusual memorable smell – bitterish and tart, smoky and resinous. In aromatherapy, it is used to relieve stress and cope with insomnia. Incense is a muscular relaxant; it is also applied as a warming up, diuretic and antiseptic component.
- “Dragon’s blood” - The extract called “Dragon’s blood” is obtained from bark of the plant with the same name that grows in South America. This substance is famous for its amazing ability to heal wounds in no time. The healing power of the plant has been known for centuries – some references about Peruvian Indians using resin of this tree to heal diseases and wounds appeared at the times of the discovery of America. “Dragon’s blood” contains plenty of antioxidants and is an excellent immune system strengthener.
- Borneol - Borneol was traditionally used in Chinese medicine as a popular component of medicinal drugs and potions. It has a strong fragrance and a long-lasting deodorizing effect that helps to deal with perspiring. Also, borneol is characterized by strong antibacterial properties.
- Camphor - Camphor activates metabolic processes in tissues and improves delivery of active components.
- Myrrh - Commiphora myrrha oil has tonic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties and an antimicrobial effect.
Body Patch - Positive impact on kidneys and urogenital system - How to use it Yaoshen Forte, 2 pcs