Why is porridge considered the best option for breakfast and a great meal to start the day with or an ideal meal for lunch that provides you with energy for the entire day?
It's quite simple.
Porridge is made with low-calorie cereal that is rich in fibre, vitamins, rare plant proteins and slow-release carbohydrates.
Porridge ensures a feeling of satiety for a long time, does not place an additional burden on the digestive tract, supplies the body with nutrients, helps you maintain eating habits and forces the body to "wake up" and not have to "survive" until the next snack or full-fledged meal.
All this allows you to eat less, which is especially useful if you are trying to control the amount of food you eat and are on your way to a slim figure.
Buckwheat-amaranth porridge with shiitake mushrooms is not only healthy but also tastes great.
There is no need to cook it. Just pour boiling water over the ingredients, and you will have a tasteful and healthy meal in just a few minutes.
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