Keep your look youthful.

keep your look youthful, Tiande

Don’t be scared to show your emotions:
keep your look youthful

  • Use delicate products to cleanse the skin around the eyes;
  • apply the cream correctly;
  • maintain the water balance;
  • wear high-quality sunglasses;
  • do not use 'shock' ways to relieve swelling on an ongoing basis;
  • always remove makeup for the night.

Showing emotions is so girly!

Laughter, flirty winking, eye rolling… And photo shoots, during which you have to look at the sun for almost a minute for a cool photo, scrolling through the buzz and sending messages in darkness and under the blanket (for the parents not to get angry). It would be fine, but all these cute factors aggressively influence the skin around the eyes. The epidermis at this place has the thinnest structure; its construction is different from that of the facial skin: there are fewer layers of epidermis, no hair follicles, a small number of oil glands and no fat cells.

The skin around the eyes is more sensitive. It quickly loses its elasticity and swells; its protective properties are weakened, this is why it loses the moist so quickly and begins flaking because of extreme temperature changes.

As about the first signs of fatigue and aging, they may appear at the age of 20 years old. Generally, it is considered that skin aging begins at the age of 21. The external signs of aging may not be seen, but, alas, the mechanism has already been turned on, and arguing with nature is completely useless.

Skin aging happens, first of all, because of negative factors, both external and created with your own effort. Sun activity, air pollution, unhealthy diet, active mimics, bad habits and incorrect skin care are the factors that increase the risk of appearance of pigment spots and small wrinkles, support thickening of epidermis and lead to early aging.

Therefore, taking care of the skin around the eyes should be started at the young age. This will help prevent serious mimic wrinkles, reduce reddening, flaking and swelling.

Remember some basic rules of taking care of skin around the eyes

- You should never use scrubs and other aggressive products for the area around the eyes.
In all, while taking care of this zone, you should get rid of the temptation to give it a good massage. You should take care of it delicately, without applying cosmetic products to moving eyelid.
The maximum permissible area is under the eyebrow; you should use soft movements from the outer edges of the eyebrows to the inner ones. In the area under the eyes, you should move from the outer edge to the nose bridge. The products should be applied under the eyes both in the morning and in the evening. Use ring fingers for the lower eyelids (they are the weakest and will not allow you apply too much pressure). You can apply the cream to the upper eyelids with forefingers. The required portion of the product should be of wheat seed size; this will do for both eyes.

- Maintain the water balance. Water influences a lot of things in the body, and the skin is not an exception. Therefore, drinking enough water during the day is as important as getting a good night’s sleep; you should also let your eyes rest during the day and give up bad habits.

- Wear good sunglasses to prevent the eye skin from ultraviolet rays. The fake sunglasses will not prevent harmful influence, and trendy narrow glasses may be used for image only.

Two more tips for those who want their eyes to stay young for a long time:  

- Do not use grandmothers’ ways to get rid of swelling or black circles under the eyes. The matter is that if there is an emergency and you urgently need to get rid of swelling, you may use ice and other rapid ways, but just on a one-time basis. If the problem is permanent, you should use special creams for improvement of microcirculation or products with draining effect. When used regularly, they will make the circles and swelling less prominent. The care should be supplied with patches and masks. They may be used a couple of times per week, when you need to refresh your look quickly.

- Always remove makeup for the night. Mascara, shadows, base, corrector and other products used for makeup and remaining for the night are going to negatively influence the skin.

We have already talked about taking care of facial skin before in details. The beauty and health corporation developed the special FreshClick Aqua Gel for complex and efficient care.

Aqua Eye Gel for Face

Ride the wave:
Aqua Eye Gel for Face

  • Saturates the skin with moisture;
  • intensively moisturizes; - makes the skin smooth and elastic;
  • fights prominent mimic wrinkles;
  • soothes the skin;
  • removes the feeling of tightness;
  • prevents flaking;
  • refreshes the skin after lack of sleep or stress. Light melting texture and more concentrated composition

    Aqua gel is a fresh idea of caring for the young facial skin and skin around the eyes!

Aqua gel with light melting texture will optimally saturate the skin with moist and make it smooth and elastic (which is especially needed in the area of mimic wrinkles). The gel will soothe the skin, remove the feeling of tightness and prevent flaking.

The formula with more concentrated composition and excellent moisturizing properties fits for the skin prone to greasiness and with prominent imperfections that requires constant and intensive moisturizing.

Aqua gel will help make the look fresh and well-rested, as well as make the facial skin tighter. The product is able to refresh the skin after sleep deprivation or stress.

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